
Our Home Inspection Program

There is No Perfect House

Brand new houses have flaws, this means that if you are searching to find the perfect house you will look long and hard and still not find your dream home.  To avoid disappointment you must take matters into your own hands, first list out what features you are searching for in a home.  Then when you find your house with your requirements you should go one step further and find out what future problems could arise.

The purchase of a house is likely the greatest investment most people will ever make in their lives.  Now that you have found your dream home and before you buy it, retain the services of a professional home inspector to tell you the home secrets.  Raise The Roof Home Inspections Ltd. has Professional College Training Licensed Inspectors available to inspect your future home and report on the true condition of your investment.

A home inspection can help you avoid costly and unpleasant mistakes and provide you with peace of mind about your investment.  At Raise the Roof our Inspections identify to you that your house selection is right for you, we alert you to potential concerns prior to your closing the deal.  This is also an opportunity for our Inspectors to teach you about your new home and the operation of the systems in the home.  This visual inspection (remember we can only look we can’t take apart) allows you to see what we see when we examine a property.  When we perform a professional inspection it includes:

  • A thorough visual inspection of the homes structure (inside and out, from the foundation to the roof)
  • An examination of all major mechanical components of the home
  • An examination of the electrical systems of the home
  • An objective evaluation of the condition of more than 450 items in the home
  • An examination of the home for health and safety concerns
  • A printed report covering our finding and identifying major potential concerns
  • A printed report covering our finding and identifying minor concerns that are not deal breaker

At Raise the Roof our Inspectors follow the CanNACHI set of Standards and Code of Ethics governing how we observe the condition of an item, the description of any corrective action that should be taken to repair or to monitor the item of concern that we find in the home.  Some inspectors with greater knowledge in a particular discipline will be able to give board estimates of the cost to repair some of these items.  These measures are taken to give our clients the optimum amount of information and to aid them in making the final decisions about the home.

At Raise the Roof our inspectors will take between 3 and 4 ½ hours to complete the inspection on the home.  This can vary based on conditions, size and accessibility to different areas of the home such as the mechanical systems.  At the end of the inspection our Inspector will review his findings with you and show you any concern that he/she may have.  We welcome and invite the future homeowner or current homeowner to follow along with the inspector.  By attending the inspection it allows you to see what we see and to identify with what is described in the report.  We encourage you to bring forward any concerns that you have about the home so that we can answer those questions you have as we tour the house.


One response to “Inspection

  1. …I liked your ‘inspection session’ before starting of work. this is a great initiative… gives a good idea about current state of the house, which allows roofing contractors to provide with better solutions…

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